Seminars to Empower Union Officers
Barnard Iglitzin & Lavitt LLP is dedicated to preventing issues from becoming problems. With this goal in mind, we offer both free monthly seminars in preventive law, low-cost in-depth single and multi-day training to empower our clients, and custom seminars specifically tailored to your union's needs.
Our single and multi-day seminars include training and education for Negotiations, Strategies for Grievances and Arbitrations, understanding core legal issues faced by union representatives in Labor Law, strategic Organizing, how to conduct Effective Strikes, how to write Effective Briefs, and how to Help Disabled Workers.
Additionally, we offer custom-tailored seminars on specific topics for individual unions expressly tailored to your union's industry, bylaws, and current issues. These include courses aimed at training Shop Stewards, training Business Agents, and a Legal Checkup for your union focused on preventive law to minimize future legal costs.
Our main conference room is outfitted to house up to 40 people at a time in our Seattle location, or if you prefer, we are happy to conduct the training at a location of your choosing.